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Thursday, December 10, 2015

Like most food adulteration, threats to public health

Not going to be protected in any way the amount of food adulteration. More than half of food adulteration. The ultimate threat to public health. Doctors say, adulterated food, not only in this generation, future generations are being affected. Continuous intake of contaminated food impotent, lame, and crippled the greater the risk. According to the World Health Organization and Agriculture Organization, as a result of food poisoning each year, more than 45 million people are infected with various diseases.

Health Minister Mohammad Nasim on food adulteration, food adulterant formalin and carbide being used in the country. Excessive use of chemicals in food, the risk of cancer and kidney nastasaha. The people's food security, health and family welfare ministry is working with other development Collaborators. 013 of the National Food Safety Act has already been formulated and put into effect. "

Work is underway to finalize the food security of the National Food Safety Policy, Nasim said, "The National Food Safety Authority has been formed and has started functioning. The prevention of food adulteration mobile court operations, the government has undertaken a variety of activities going on across the country. To increase public awareness of the campaign has been strengthened. "

According to the Institute of Public Health, in the last three years, more than half of the food samples were found adulterated food. 011 5 812 thousand in the diet of 54 percent, 01 of 50 5 322 food samples tested were contaminated in more than 588 thousand. 63 percent to 48 percent of the total diet. 4 of 4 in 013 of the 967 food samples tested were contaminated in more than 137 thousand. 43 zero two percent of the total diet. 014 samples have been underway.

According to the Institute for Public Health, mono-sodium, ithophena, calcium, carbide, formalin, chalk powder, urea, margarine, animal fat, mineral oil, redari powder, nyapathalina, sudana color, brick powder, wood powder, DDT, such as rodamina saiklometera Toxic chemical is mixed. Redari oil is mixed with mustard oil, pepper and oil. Soyabina is mixed with oil, palm oil and nyapathalina. Sudana toxic red chilli pepper powder color, sweetener and monosodium chocolate, juice, artificial color, sumtati DDT fish, green leafy vegetables are being given artificial coloring. Fruit, banana, mango, papaya, tomatoes, pineapple pakate and keep fresh for a long time using the calcium carbide and ithophena unscrupulous traders.

Also recognized plaza powder and urea, formalin milk, margarine and animal fat mixed with ghee and is makhane. Rodamina with soft drinks, fish formalin. As well as being used to make these delicious foods saiklometa.

The public health specialist Dr. Zafarullah Chowdhury said, "any chemical substance used in foods harmful to public health. If food adulteration, high blood pressure, cancer, kidney diseases and increasing the number of people of various complex diseases. Food adulteration caused by the treatment is expensive, as a result of the government to take drastic measures to prevent food adulteration. "

In the context of the role of government and UN senior adviser to former Director General of the Department of Health Dr. Shah Monir Hossain, the National Food Safety Law 013 had been drafted under the prevention of food adulteration. As well as food safety officer will be appointed in each district. The officials will determine the course of action in this regard in coordination with other authorities. "

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