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Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Food Poison

News of death in food poisoning can be found in newspapers. Bacteria, viruses, or parasites that are bad at the root of food poisoning. These may be due to various reasons; When they eat the food, these germs enter the body and make the person sick. Many times food-poisoning is not serious - within a few days the body gets cured. But in some cases it can take a horrendous look.

What is the symptoms of food poisoning?
Generally the first signs are nausea, vomiting and stomach upset. Just when these signs will appear, or how horrible it will appear - depends on what was in the food and the health of the infected person. There are other symptoms of food poisoning as well.

What are harmful bacteria, viruses or parasites?
Which are horrifying: salmonella, e-coli, clostridium baculinum and toxoplasma gondai. Excluding these is why food is not poisoned in most cases.
.Where do they come from and what can harm to the body?
Salmonella is a type of bacteria that usually occurs in the intestine of birds, reptiles and mammals. If you do not cook meat properly then this bacteria is not wasted - it remains in the food. It can also contaminate food in other ways (for example, with the hand in the fist of the animal-hand, without having to clean it properly). When the salmonella entered the body, fever, abdominal stomach, stomach bad etc. appear. It's awful enough - it takes more than a week to get poisoned. If it does not go to hospital or if you do not take warning, it can also lead to death.
Generally echerichia coli bacteria are in humans and animals. How many species of strains produce a type of toxin or toxin that can affect the intestines, myocardial ligaments, blood etc. The bacteria of this species enter the bloodstream. If this is the case then you should contact the doctor early.
Clostridium botulinum bacteria are found in the soil. The food poisoning that occurs in this bacterial toxin is called bachulism. If people do not consume food in bottles or potions, they are attacked. For example, it can be very small children at some point of time without proper paste. The symptoms of baculism are reduced muscle power, dizziness, headache, double vision. Besides, vomiting, stomach may also be bad. In Bachulism, nerves can lead to fatalities. It is necessary to go to hospital immediately.
Toxoplasma gondii is called toxiplasmosis for one type of unicellular organism. It usually goes into the body from the well cooked meat (it is contained in many birds and animals). Many times it comes in contact with animals (especially the animal carrying cat) it can enter the body. There is nothing special about the symptoms of toxiplasmosis. There may be signs of small flu-like symptoms at times. If almost everyone is infected, it can build resistance to the body. But it can create a terrible situation for pregnant women and those with less resistance to their body. If the antibiotic is not given at the right time, due to the infection of this disease, it is likely to be normalized if it is born, fetal birth, and when the child is born alive - his brain, eyes etc. are not normal. For those who have received AIDS patients or chemotherapy for cancer, this biological body is very serious.
How can food be contaminated?

Bacteria are in the intestines of animals. They came in the time of cutting meat;

During the cultivation, fruits may also come in if they are bacteria washed in polluted water, or come in contact with dung or other animal dermis.

 Bacteria can be eaten vegetables by cutting the same knife in the same knife that the knife or bot is being used during cutting.

Many bacteria are found in the body of animals, in soil, in water, in the dust. Bacteria can come to the food if they come in contact with these hands, without hand washing with clean bacteria-washed soap and wash them in the water.
How to stop food-pollution?

Be careful while preparing or saving food. Wash hands with soap well, where kutto kotata is being done - keep that place clean, cook well with good taste or cooked - so that bacteria are destroyed. To store preservatives in the fridge and to warm it up again before eating it very well. Eggs, meat, maize, milk, etc. - which are easily wasted. Take special care of them.
What is the treatment of food poisoning?
In most cases the treatment is to relieve the pain. Application of antibiotics in the field. If vomiting or stomach is bad, then drinking plenty of water and electrolytes is not dehydration. That is why it is necessary to go to the hospital many times. It is advisable to not only reduce the use of toilet medicines - because the fruits can be reversed. In case of e-kolaai, it is necessary to go to the hospital soon.

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