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Thursday, August 23, 2018

What is meant to be toxic to food?

Food poisoning: Duration, treatment, and more 

If you have food poisoning, you can think of when you feel better. But there is only one answer because there are many poisonous toxins.

The US According to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), one in six American Americans becomes poisoned with cereals every year. Children, children, elderly people, and chronic illnesses or people with compromised disease prevention systems are at highest risk.

Read more about how food poisoning will last, what the symptoms are and how long it will take for the treatment.
How long food is toxic?

There are more than 250 food poisoning. Although the symptoms may look similar, depending on it, the amount of time can be increased according to the difference:
  • What substances pollute?
  • How much have you accepted
  • The intensity of your symptoms

In most cases, doctors will need to recover people within a day or two if necessary.
What causes food poisoning?

Food can be toxic if you eat or drink something contaminated by the following:
  •     Bacteria
  •     Virus
  •     Parasite
  •     Chemicals
  •     Metal

Most of the time, food poisoning is an illness of your stomach and intestines. But it can also affect other organs.

These are the most common causes of toxic poisoning in the United States with their toxic foods.
The cause of illness is related to food
Salmonella raw and undercooked meat and poultry, eggs, indigestion dairy products, raw fruit and raw vegetables
E. colored raw materials and beef, unpasteurized milk or juice, raw vegetables, and contaminated water
listeria raw materials, in-kind dairy products, processed meat and poultry

norovirus raw products and shellfish
Campylobacter unpasteurized dairy products, raw and undercooked meat and poultry, and 

contaminated water
Clusteridium performance beef, poultry, garlic, precooked food, and dried food
What are the symptoms?

When you evaluate the symptoms of contaminated food and first experience, the time may be somewhere between one hour to three weeks. It depends on the causes of pollution.

For example, symptoms of bacterial infection associated with harmful pigs can occur within four to seven days of eating contaminated food.

But after eating contaminated food, the food poisonous symptoms start within two to six hours.

Food poisoning symptoms differ by malicious types. Most people experience the following combination:

 Water diarrhea
Stomach ache

Symptoms occur less frequently:

There are blood or respiratory diarrhea
Muscle aches
 Skin rash
Blurred vision
Double vision

Check out: Is it a stomach bug food poisoning? Tips for identification »
What to do if your food is toxic?

If you are a nausea or diarrhea, the most stressful thing is the dehydration. But you might want to avoid food and fluids for a few hours. As soon as you are able, start taking a small kneading of water or sucking on ice chips.

In addition to water, you can drink a rehydration solution. These solutions help to replace electrolytes, which are the minerals in your body fluids that power electricity. They need for your body function.

Rehydration solution is especially helpful for:

Adult adults
Those who have a compromised resistant system
Who have chronic illness

When you eat solid foods, start with a small amount of soft foods which include:

 Nuts Cutting Machine

You have to avoid:

Carbonated beverages
Dairy products
Fat food     

Too sweet food    


And take it easy until your symptoms are relaxed and get a rest.
When you see a doctor

When you enjoy your first symptom, you should contact your doctor:

Older than 60 years old
 Is a child or a child    
Is pregnant
 There is a weak immune system
Chronic health conditions like diabetes or kidney disease

If you take diuretics and develop toxic food, call your doctor and ask whether it is safe to stop using them.

Generally, if you have to show a doctor among the following symptoms:

Diarrhea is lasting up to two or more days, or 24 hours in children or children
 Leaves without lean thirst, dry mouth, low urine, light skin, or weakness
 Bloody, black, or full stall
Bloody vomiting
101.5f (38.6 degree centigrade) or higher among adults, 100.4f (38 degrees Celsius) for children
 Blurred vision
 Flashing your arms
 Muscle weakness

How to prevent food poisoning

You can prevent food poisoning in your home by following the basics of food safety:

Wash hands with soap and hot water for at least 20 seconds before and after food control.
Wash hands after using raw meat, toilets or near sick people.
Wash the hot, soaped board with soap water, dinner, silver and counters.
Wash fruits and vegetables, even if you pore them

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